Poetry Products
Poetry Membership For Devotional Christian Poetry.
This membership has been created as a result of the encounter I had with God as described in my about page. Since this encounter, I've been writing continuously. My poetry has developed and has extended. I now write a poem, followed by the reflection, 3 engaging questions and a verse to meditate and study.
One of my coaches asked when I would be writing my book because he wanted to read the poetry during his breaks at work. He made the statement that there are always at least 2 lines in the poems which really resonate with him which he meditates on during his work time. I then explained what my intentions were for the future of my poetry membership site.
I explained I was going to create a membership site which would post a fresh new poem each day. The reason I wanted to do it this way was that by having something new each day, it would create a mystery for every member. Also, most people use their smartphones to access their internet content, hence they usually have their phones with them. Rather than needing to take a written book with them, they can access the poetry and related information on their phone. He agreed this was a better idea than printing a book.
The poetry, reflections and questions all put language to the principle or revelation which I have received from God. It won't be long before you realize God shares His revelations through a colourful lens. God has some interesting values. For example; the real value of gold is that He uses it for building roads in heaven! God's real treasure is the hearts of humanity which is revealed in Revelation chapter 21. I would encourage you to meditate on this for a few minutes.
It's your choice as to how you will engage with the daily content. I have discovered over years of reading and relating with God, reading gathers information whereas meditation is where revelation of the content you read, becomes established in your life. I use the analogy of learning a foreign language. This is an admirable skill, but without understanding the relevant culture together with the language, we cannot communicate with understanding.
"He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel."
Psalms 103:7 NKJV
God wants us to know Him and Know His ways. He wants us to know His heart, not just the provision of His hand. God's WAYS are revealed through having an intimate relationship with Him as Moses did. Israel knew God's acts but not God's ways.
My intention is that you will read and meditate on the content of each daily post. During the meditation time you have, you will ask yourself questions and discuss them internally with God and, thus, receive more revelations.
I often make the statement that God says a word which speaks volumes. When I say this, I see in the Spirit, a stone being dropped into a millpond. This stone makes waves and ripples which emanate from where the stone was dropped. When we receive a revelation from God, a similar effect happens in our lives.
Poetry can have a unique influence on our understanding and emotional connection as we read it. I have noticed more often women relate to poetry more positively than men, but I have met many men who have surprised me with their desire to read and understand poetry.
My students and the recipients of my insightful poetry have commended me about the format of the content, i.e. the poem, the reflection, 3 questions and the meditation. They have encouraged me to promote it for study and discussion groups, as it provokes conversation and thought.
There will always be a mystery about what tomorrow's post is going to be. When you become a member of Devotional Christian Poetry, you will also receive additional articles and free content which will be unannounced.